Anjana Data 4.4 adds new features to enrich the user experience

Uncategorized, 24 November 2022 |

Anjana Data, the most innovative Data Governance & Analytics platform in the market for the implementation of flexible governance, presents its new version 4.4; which includes new features and relevant elements that enrich the user experience, with new UX & UI capabilities, advanced workflow configuration and other components in terms of functionality coverage.

One of the highlights of this new version 4.4 are the new user assistance and customization capabilities in the Data Portal, where a new functionality for saving customized filters has been incorporated. Thus, the user can save a search previously performed in Anjana for later reuse or modification. This search includes the filters, the options to view all versions and relationships, and the search engine box in the header of the platform. Also included are improvements in the visualization of information, new options for user aliases, roles and Organizational Units, and the possibility of including a stylesheet for the platform’s web front end that allows customizing both the colors of the application and some other aspects of the interface.

In addition, Anjana Data 4.4 includes new features in relation to workflows. On the one hand, it incorporates the possibility for users to perform a massive approval of workflows so that they can be validated with the same response and the same comment and, on the other hand, it incorporates in the Configuration Panel a functionality that allows to validate the workflows configured before being deployed to avoid that there are two with the same ID and this generates conflicts.

Additionally, we can see an evolution in the lineage and visualization capabilities of the knowledge graph, for which a configuration option has been added to limit the graph visualization according to the number of objects and nodes to be displayed. A new button has also been included in the interface to allow users to launch the complete lineage calculation on demand.

The latest version of Anjana also brings improvements in the loading and importing of objects through excel template, including more casuistry in the error control and reducing the processing time of imported files.

Regarding technical architecture aspects, a communications encryption protocol has been included in Tot Plugins (those used for integrations with other technologies) and another encryption mechanism for those configurations that may be sensitive.

Finally, new alerts have been added to the notifications module, the possibility of sliding easily between the columns of the administration panel, and the capabilities of the administrative API have been extended, such as the possibility of terminating a workflow in the event of an error in the validation process or the bulk editing of a complete list of objects.

Discover all the information about Anjana Data v4.4 by downloading the Release Notes.

About the Author: Noelia García de Marina