Anjana Data celebrates third anniversary

News, 1 September 2022 |

Last Friday, 26th August 2022, Anjana Data celebrated our third anniversary in style. A large group of members of the company made an informal and casual video in which we talked about the philosophy that guides us in Anjana Data, a philosophy that we have called the Anjana Gene. This gene represents each and every one of the people who make up this family that never stops growing and achieving milestones and is what keeps the flame of this adventure alive.

A lot has happened in these three years at Anjana Data and we could not be prouder of everything we have achieved since we founded the company and launched our platform to the market. However, despite all the evolution of this time, all changes, all growth, all successes and failures, we have managed to maintain that which makes us unique. And we have found no better way to tell all this than through the anjaneros


However, we also wanted to share with all of you who accompany us in this adventure, Partners and Customers, the internal initiative that we have had with the whole Anjana Data team. Thanks to the designs of Laura Pareja, Front-end Developer & UX/UI Designer at Anjana Data, all Anjaneros will have their own avatar. Laura’s designs have a touch of humour and a circular shape that surrounds the caricature and describes through drawings what hobbies that each member of the Anjana team has. Below, we leave you a video in which you can see the whole process of creating the avatars of Anjana Data.


In the end it´ss these initiatives that differentiate us and make us unique, and although Anjana has changed a lot since that first demo in 2019, we have managed to scale the company to the point where we are now, preserving the philosophy with which we were born. In the coming months we have a new landscape ahead of us, with new fellow travellers, new goals and new capabilities. Soon we will announce many new developments that will mark a before and after in our evolution as a company. From Anjana Data we hope that in another three years we can still be proud of having kept intact the Anjana Gene that has brought us this far and that will continue to take us very far.

About the Author: Angela Miñana Francés