El Gobierno del Dato & la IA están de moda y por eso, después de haber publicado varios Market Guides para este ámbito en los últimos años, Gartner acaba de publicar los primeros Magic Quadrant y Critical Capabilities para el ámbito de Data & Analytics Governance Plaftorms. En estos informes, Gartner ha seleccionado a los […]
Anjana Data has obtained the Foundational Technical Review (FTR) from AWS, which certifies that the platform meets all the requirements of adaptability and flexibility that make it possible to work well with the AWS Cloud. This not only establishes a seal of assurance for any Anjana Data and AWS customer but also positions Anjana Data […]
Last Friday, 26th August 2022, Anjana Data celebrated our third anniversary in style. A large group of members of the company made an informal and casual video in which we talked about the philosophy that guides us in Anjana Data, a philosophy that we have called the Anjana Gene. This gene represents each and every […]
The Beaz Acceleration Program launched by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia consists of a high performance program thanks to which it aims to deploy a dynamic business acceleration in the Historical Territory of Bizkaia with which it seeks to support the innovative ecosystem through four verticals: exclusive training, expert advice, tailored financing and facilities that […]
Following the same line that has led Anjana Data to become one of the most innovative and disruptive Data Governance solutions on the current scene, we present the new version 4.3, which brings a series of relevant evolutions and improvements in terms of the design of the entire tool, with new advanced UX & UI […]
When we created Anjana Data as an independent company in mid-2019, we could not have imagined that in just two years we would be recognised by Gartner as one of the most relevant solutions in the global Data Governance market, one of the most demanding markets, which has been changing radically in recent years, a […]
Last Tuesday, 22 September 2021, AWS has organized for some of its main customers an event focused on open innovation, defined as “the use of internal and external knowledge flows to accelerate internal innovation and expand markets for the external use of such innovation”. In this event, Anjana Data was one of the invited companies […]
Anjana Data launches two new levels of its Official and Public Certification, with the aim of continuing to offer training on the most innovative and disruptive solution for Data Governance. The new training modules offered by Anajana Data are the following: Advanced (functional path): Aimed at more advanced profiles within data management such as […]
Anjana Data launches two of the new levels of its Official and Public Certification with the aim of continuing to offer learning at its different levels on the most innovative and disruptive solution for Data Governance. The purpose of this study is to guarantee that all those students who have passed it are qualified and […]
New version of Anjana Data includes new tools for organizations to extract the greatest possible value from data thanks to the operationalization of a proactive and preventive Data Governance. The improvements in this version revolve around the CORE Metamodel and the user experience. In addition, it includes new components and an improved and unified view. […]