Anjana Data and Everis join forces to offer the most innovative and disruptive Data Governance solution for organisations looking to become data-driven

News, Partnerships, 14 April 2021 |

At Anjana Data we believe in organizations that are committed to innovation and talent. Therefore, we have decided to join forces with Everis, the multinational consulting firm that offers business solutions, strategy, development and maintenance of technological applications and outsourcing. The union of both organizations will follow the offer of professional services in relation to data that Everis proposes together with the innovative and disruptive vision of Data Governance that Anjana Data promotes through its technological solution.

Everis is committed to people, they firmly believe in their integral development and they are their most valuable asset, as without them nothing would be possible. In addition, they focus on the following professional areas: consulting, in which they aim to help companies to be excellent through advice, driving them to improve their activity and management on a day-to-day basis; technological transformation specialized in each company; and technology, which focuses on the digital transformation of companies and treats data as a strategic value.

In this sense, Anjana Data joins forces with Everis to help companies with the operationalization of their data strategy based on effective and efficient Data Governance. Proactive and preventive Data Governance within organizations is fundamental for data to become a strategic asset that brings the maximum possible value to the business. To this end, Anjana Data offers organizations its innovative and differential solution for data governance with a totally disruptive approach, a state-of-the-art architecture and a licensing model adapted to the current needs of companies of any sector, any size and any degree of maturity.

Thanks to the agreement, Everis will add Anjana Data to its portfolio of solutions to offer companies the most innovative and disruptive Data Governance solution on the market. In addition, it will certify a significant number of consultants to help its clients with Anjana Data implementations.

On the Anjana Data side, we continue with our purpose of building alliances and collaborations with the leading companies in professional services in the field of data management in order to bring our philosophy to more organizations and also to be able to count on the market experience and positioning of leading companies in their field, such as Everis.

About the Author: Angela Miñana Francés