El Gobierno del Dato & la IA están de moda y por eso, después de haber publicado varios Market Guides para este ámbito en los últimos años, Gartner acaba de publicar los primeros Magic Quadrant y Critical Capabilities para el ámbito de Data & Analytics Governance Plaftorms. En estos informes, Gartner ha seleccionado a los […]
Anjana Data has become one of the best alternatives to the data governance solutions that currently lead the market because of its innovative and disruptive approach. Anjana Data provides organizations with a number of differential value-added features while empowering them to implement effective and efficient data governance. Anjana Data is differentiated by three fundamental […]
Anjana Data launches its version 2.0 with capabilities improvements and functionalities and new configuration, adaptation and customization features in order to implement agile, flexible, proactive and collaborative data governance. The year 2020 has brought for Anjana Data an evolution in terms of its functionalities and features, both technical and usability, which provide […]