When is Anjana Data the best choice to help your Organization with its data strategy?

Articles, anjana data, anjana data, data governance, gobierno del dato, producto, solution, 14 August 2020 |



Anjana Data has become one of the best alternatives to the data governance solutions that currently lead the market because of its innovative and disruptive approach. Anjana Data provides organizations with a number of differential value-added features while empowering them to implement effective and efficient data governance.

Anjana Data is differentiated by three fundamental pillars, which make it the most innovative and disruptive solution for data governance in the market. With a proactive and preventative collaborative governance approach, metadata-centric and data processing technology agnostic, best-in-class architecture that is scalable and interoperable, and a revolutionary pricing model, Anjana Data is ready to change the way organizations understand, implement, and operate their data governance programs.

As a 100% product-oriented company, it also has a very aggressive roadmap to continuously evolve and expand the capabilities of the solution in each version, as well as to develop native integrations with a multitude of data storage, processing and exploitation technologies in order to implement proactive and preventive data governance as a DataOps enabler. This strategy also includes building a broad ecosystem of partners to assist customers in their data-driven journey.

In addition to the particularities mentioned above, to address the current challenges of implementing a data strategy in the organization, Anjana Data based on added-value characteristics which will provide the required tools and mechanisms in order to empower data stakeholders in the Organization, allowing them to implement a effective and efficient data governance.

This way the solution focuses on the HOW rather than the WHAT.

We believe that a renewed and fit-for-purpose data governance is possible by not only focusing on WHAT needs to be covered in terms of functionalities but also on HOW those features are going to be integrated within your business processes and your Data IT architecture. This change of the mindset will give you the chance to operationalize data governance spotting the value that you are pursuing.” – Equipo Anjana Data.

Nowadays, organizations need to face many diverse and hard to beat challenges when trying to implement a data-driven strategy. There is a new paradigm out there where DATAturn into a strategic asset which needs to be governed in a different way than before.

And it is that difference that allows Anjana Data to be a differential data governance solution, able to implement a governance in an incremental and iterative way in order to improve synergies between areas and maximize the productivity of people working with data, focusing on the automation of technical processes to achieve cost savings and support data self-service.

So… How do you know when Anjana Data can help you in your strategy by changing the vision of data governance in your Organization?

Here are a few cases to look out for:

  • The Data Office have failed when trying to operativize the data governance model within the organization.
  • Data governance is understood as bureaucracy among data stakeholders, so it requires governance processes automation.
  • The organization is looking for a differential solution based on interoperability, scalability and no vendor lock-in.
  • The organization is worried about initial investment, short-term ROI, time-to-value and time-to-market.
  • Big Data, Analytics and Cloud-native technologies look like “black boxes” for the Data Office, Business and Legal teams.
  • The organization is already working on or willing to move into a complex hybrid and multi-cloud architecture.
  • Walls exist between departments, areas and data domains.
  • The organization is willing to implement real DataOps over innovative data platforms with democratic self-service.
  • The Data Office wants to evolve from “passive data governance” to “proactive and preventive data governance”.
  • The Data Office is trying to centralize data access and data use management for different data environments.
  • There are plenty of data silos and diverse technologies being used in the organization.
  • Building a technology-agnostic data marketplace using intelligent data contracts.
  • Walls exist between Business and IT teams.


Finally, in addition to all these aspects, it is very important to detect whether or not there is a data culture in the company and collaboration around data needs to be put in place. The correct implementation of a data governance framework used by Anjana Data will led organizations to achieve multiple benefits (link to product page).

Download the release notes – Anjana Data V3.2

About the Author: Angela Miñana Francés